Home Composers Mykola Leontovych

Mykola Leontovych

Short bio Mykola Leontovych

Birthday: 1877 in Monastïryok
Died: 1921 in Markovka
Active: 1900s - 1910s
Genre: Classical,Holiday
Period: 20th Century, Modern

Full biography Mykola Leontovych

photo Mykola Leontovych

Mykola Leontovych was a Ukrainian composer and choir conductor who lived from 1877 to 1921. He is considered to be one of the most significant composers of Ukrainian national music. Leontovych was born in the Podolia region of Ukraine and showed an interest in music from an early age.

Leontovych studied music in Kyiv and later in Saint Petersburg. He returned to Ukraine to teach music in several cities, including Podolia, Kamianets-Podilskyi, and Shpola. During his lifetime, he composed a number of choral works, including "Shchedryk," which is perhaps his most famous composition.

"Shchedryk" is a Ukrainian folk song that Leontovych arranged for four-part mixed choir. The song became highly popular in the United States after it was adapted into the Christmas song "Carol of the Bells" by an American composer named Peter Wilhousky.

Leontovych's choral works are characterized by their emotive and expressive melodies, intricate harmonies, and use of Ukrainian folk music. His compositions often feature Ukrainian folk tales and themes, which helped to promote Ukrainian national identity during a time when Ukraine was under occupation.

Sadly, Leontovych's life was cut short when he was assassinated at age 44 by a Soviet agent. Despite his short life, Leontovych's contributions to Ukrainian classical music continue to be celebrated today, and his compositions are cherished by music lovers around the world.

Compositions featuring Mykola Leontovych

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Carol of the Bells (Shchedryk; Tchedrik) 2:14 min Choral 1910
2 Cherubic Hymn, for chorus 2:22 min Choral -
3 In Thy Kingdom 3:55 min Choral -
4 Oh, le coucou gris 4:46 min Choral -
5 Otche Nach (Notre Père; Our Father) 4:06 min Choral -
6 Virouyou (Credo) 3:57 min -

Albums featuring Mykola Leontovych

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Микола Леонтович = Mykola Leontovych, Камерний хор Микола Леонтович = Mykola Leontovych, Камерний хор "Київ" = "Kyiv" Chamber Choir, Микола Гобдич = Mykola Hobdych – Українська Служба Божа = The Ukrainian Mass(CD, ) 2006 Dotcom Recordings LTD
2 Cover for album: На Русалчин Великдень(LP) На Русалчин Великдень(LP) 1982 Мелодия
3 Cover for album: М. Леонтович, Хор Київської Державної Консерваторії, Павло Муравський – До 100-річчя З Дня Народження(3×LP) М. Леонтович, Хор Київської Державної Консерваторії, Павло Муравський – До 100-річчя З Дня Народження(3×LP) 1977 Мелодия

Videos featuring Mykola Leontovych

On the Water Nymph's Easter - Mykola Leontovych FULL OPERA

На Русалчин Великдень - Микола Леонтович ПОВНА ОПЕРА

Na Rusalchyn Velykden' (translated: On the Water Nymph's Easter) was Mykola Leontovych's first attempt at writing a major orchestral piece. It is based on a

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