Home Composers Leonin


Short bio Leonin

Birthday: 1150s in Paris, France
Died: 1201 in Paris, France
Genre: Classical
Period: Medieval

Full biography Leonin

photo Leonin

Leonin was a French composer who is considered to be one of the pioneers of polyphonic music. He was active during the 12th century and was a member of the Notre Dame School of polyphony, a group of composers who worked at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Leonin's most notable contribution to music is his development of polyphony, which is a form of music that features two or more melodies played simultaneously. He is also credited with developing the musical technique known as organum, which involves adding harmony to an existing melody line. Leonin's use of these techniques helped to create a more complex and textured sound in choral music, and his innovations went on to influence many other composers who followed in his footsteps.

One of Leonin's most famous works is the "Magnus liber organi," a collection of polyphonic works that were composed for the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. This collection contains many of Leonin's most innovative and exciting compositions, and it helped to establish his reputation as one of the leading composers of his time.

Overall, Leonin was a pioneer of polyphonic music and helped to lay the groundwork for many of the musical developments that came after him. His contributions to choral music continue to be celebrated to this day, and his innovative approach to composition has inspired countless musicians and composers over the centuries.

Compositions featuring Leonin

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Gloria: redemptori meo, trope for 2 voices (attrib.) Choral 1201
2 Magnus Liber Organi (attrib.) Vocal Music 11??
3 Cristus resurgens, antiphon Vocal Music -
4 Non vos relinquam, Homo quo vigeas 7:58 min Vocal Music -
5 Organum duplum: Judaea et Jerusalem 6:57 min Vocal Music -
6 Propter veritatem, gradual 7:01 min Choral -
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