Home Composers Miguel alvarez-Fernandez

Miguel alvarez-Fernandez

Short bio Miguel alvarez-Fernandez

Birthday: 1979

Full biography Miguel alvarez-Fernandez

photo Miguel alvarez-Fernandez

Miguel Alvarez-Fernandez is a sound artist, composer, musicologist, curator, essayist, film director, and music producer. He is known for his contributions to the field of electroacoustic music. Miguel was born in Spain and currently works in Madrid and Berlin. He studied musical composition, with a focus on electroacoustic music, at the Conservatory of Music in Salamanca, and continued his studies at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.

Miguel's work has been exhibited and performed in various venues across Europe and the United States. He has collaborated with many notable artists and musicians, including Ramon Sender, Nio de Elche, and Llus Alexandre Casanovas Blanco. Miguel has also curated numerous sound art projects and exhibitions, including the Invisible Auto Sacramental at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid in 2020.

In addition to his work as a composer, Miguel has published several articles and essays on musicology and sound art. He has also directed several films, including the documentary "Children of Sound" which explores the world of sound art.

Miguel's work explores the relationship between sound, space, and perception. He often incorporates field recordings, found sounds, and manipulated audio into his compositions. Miguel's music has been described as experimental, immersive, and thought-provoking.

Overall, Miguel Alvarez-Fernandez is a talented and innovative composer who has made significant contributions to the world of electroacoustic music and sound art.

Albums featuring Miguel alvarez-Fernandez

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Miguel Alvarez – Simbiotic Miguel Alvarez – Simbiotic 2003 Mando Records
2 Cover for album: Franz And Frankie – Secrets Of The City Franz And Frankie – Secrets Of The City 1986 Discos Games
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