Home Composers Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons

Short bio Michael Parsons

Birthday: 1938 in Bolton, Lancashire, England
Active: 1970s - 2010s
Genre: Avant-Garde,Classical

Full biography Michael Parsons

photo Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons is a British composer who was born on December 12, 1938. He has been active in the music industry since the 1960s, where he met Cornelius Cardew and helped found the Scratch Orchestra ). Parsons has made considerable contributions to the experimental music scene, and his early compositions were notably influenced by John Cage and other avant-garde composers of the time.

In addition to his work as a composer, Parsons has also been active as a performer, writer, and teacher. He is known as an insightful music critic and has written reviews for publications such as the New Left Journal. Parsons has also worked as a content designer and freelance writer for various organizations.

Parsons has received recognition for his work in the film and television industry, where he has composed music and additional music for various productions. He has been nominated for an Emmy award for his work on film and TV scores.

Parsons' music is experimental, often incorporating chance operations and non-Western scales and sounds. He is known for his pieces that explore the relationships between performers and their instruments, as well as the relationships between performers themselves. Some of his works have been published by the Experimental Music Catalogue.

Overall, Michael Parsons is an important figure in the world of experimental music, and his contributions have been recognized both in the music industry and in academia.

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