Home Composers Martin Wesley-Smith

Martin Wesley-Smith

Short bio Martin Wesley-Smith

Birthday: 1945 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Died: 2019
Genre: New Age,Classical

Full biography Martin Wesley-Smith

photo Martin Wesley-Smith

Martin Wesley-Smith (10 June 1945 - 26 September 2019) was an Australian composer , scriptwriter, presenter of multi-media performances and a children's songwriter. He was born in Adelaide, South Australia, and studied mathematics and physics at the University of Adelaide before turning his attention to music. Among his influential works are the Hummingbird cycle for children, as well as multimedia works such as Quito, an ecological oratorio based on the work of Charles Darwin.

Throughout his career, Wesley-Smith collaborated with his twin brother, Peter Wesley-Smith, who worked as his librettist on many of his compositions. He also experimented with electronic music, becoming a pioneer in the field of music technology.

Wesley-Smith's unique and eclectic output ranged from children's songs to environmental oratorios. His compositions reflected his passion for political activism and social justice, inspired by his personal experiences and the historical events of his time. Wesley-Smith's work and contributions to Australian music were recognized with numerous awards, including an Order of Australia in 1998.

Martin Wesley-Smith passed away on September 26, 2019, leaving behind a legacy of inspiring music and innovative multimedia performances that continue to be celebrated by musicians and listeners alike.

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