Home Composers Mario Capuana

Mario Capuana

Short bio Mario Capuana

Birthday: 1600
Died: 1647

Full biography Mario Capuana

photo Mario Capuana

Mario Capuana is an Italian composer who is primarily known for his work in the film industry. He has been involved in the composition of music, as well as in providing soundtracks for a variety of movies. Some of his notable works include the films "Dos tipos duros" (2003), "Wasp Network" (2019), and "Car Crash" (1981). In addition to his work in the film industry, Capuana has also been involved in arranging and composing music for other media. For example, he has composed a Requiem that was published in 1650. His work has been recorded and performed by various choirs and orchestras, including the Choir of Namur. Capuana has often collaborated with other composers and arrangers, such as Giosy Capuano and Antonio Carbonchi. His musical influences and style draw from the Baroque era, as well as from modern musical trends. Overall, Mario Capuana is a highly regarded composer in the Italian music scene, with a career that spans several decades, and his works continue to be popular and performed internationally.

Compositions featuring Mario Capuana

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Messa di defonti, for 4 voices 28:06 min Choral 1650
2 Ecce Panis 4:00 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -

Albums featuring Mario Capuana

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Mario Capuana - Bonaventura Rubino - Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Leonardo Garcia Alarcón – Requiem(CD, ) Mario Capuana - Bonaventura Rubino - Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Leonardo Garcia Alarcón – Requiem(CD, ) 2014 Ricercar
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