Home Composers Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

Short bio Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

Birthday: 1724
Died: 1780

Full biography Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

photo Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria was a prominent composer and musician of the 18th century. Born on July 18th, 1724, in Munich, she was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VII and Archduchess Maria Amalia of Austria. Maria Antonia showed an early interest in music and was formally trained in keyboard, voice, and theory by her father and other notable musicians of her time.

As a princess, Maria Antonia had access to royal courts throughout Europe, where she performed as a singer and keyboardist. She also composed music for various occasions, including operas, cantatas, and musical dramas. Her compositions were well-received and praised for their beauty and originality.

In 1747, Maria Antonia married Prince Maximilian III Joseph of Bavaria, and she continued to compose and perform throughout her life. She was particularly interested in promoting German opera, and many of her works reflect her commitment to this genre. Her most notable compositions include "Il trionfo della fedeltà," "Abel," and "Penelope."

Despite the limitations placed on women in her time, Maria Antonia achieved considerable success as a composer, musician, and patron of the arts. She died on April 23, 1780, in Munich, leaving behind a legacy of beautiful music and innovation. Today, her music remains a testament to the creativity and talent of one of Germany's most accomplished female composers.

Albums featuring Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Maria Antonia Walpurgis, Batzdorfer Hofkapelle – Talestri, Regina delle Amazzoni(CD, Stereo) Maria Antonia Walpurgis, Batzdorfer Hofkapelle – Talestri, Regina delle Amazzoni(CD, Stereo) 1998 KammerTon (2)

Videos featuring Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria - Talestri, Regina delle Amazzoni - Aria - Da me ti dividi

Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria

Work: Talestri, Regina delle Amazzoni

Aria: Da me ti dividi

Soprano: Oleg Bezinskikh

Orchestra: Batzdorfer Hofkapelle

Conductor: ???

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