Home Composers Dario Marianelli

Dario Marianelli

Short bio Dario Marianelli

Birthday: 1963

Full biography Dario Marianelli

photo Dario Marianelli

Dario Marianelli is an Italian composer known for his work in film scores. He was born on June 21, 1963, and has continued to write concert, theatre, and ballet music throughout his career. Marianelli has won many awards for his work, including a Classical Brit Award in the Soundtrack/Musical Theatre Composer of The Year category and an Ivor Novello Award.

His scores for films such as "Pride and Prejudice" and "Atonement" have earned him critical acclaim, and he has worked with directors such as Joe Wright and Terry Gilliam. Marianelli often draws inspiration from classical composers, such as Beethoven, and uses their music as a springboard for his own compositions.

In addition to his work in film, Marianelli has also composed for theatre productions, including "The Trial" and "The Caucasian Chalk Circle". He has worked with a variety of musicians and artists throughout his career and is known for his collaborative approach to composing.

Overall, Dario Marianelli is a talented composer with a wide range of experience in music composition. His work in film and theatre has earned him numerous accolades, and he continues to be a prominent figure in the music industry.

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