Home Composers Marcel Labey

Marcel Labey

Short bio Marcel Labey

Birthday: 1875
Died: 1968

Full biography Marcel Labey

photo Marcel Labey

Marcel Labey was a French conductor and composer born in Vésinet in 1875. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire and was a pupil of Vincent d'Indy, a prominent composer of the time. In 1909, Labey married Charlotte Sohy, a fellow composer, and they had seven children together.

Labey's compositions spanned genres, ranging from operas and symphonic works to chamber music and vocal pieces. He was particularly known for his works for the stage and composed several operas, such as "La Mandragore" (1908), "Les Enfants de la Mer" (1927), and "Gil" (1936).

Labey was also a successful conductor and served as the musical director of the Bouffes-Parisiens theater in Paris. He conducted the premiere of Maurice Ravel's "L'Heure Espagnole" at the same theater in 1911.

Labey passed away in 1968 at the age of 92. While his compositions may not be as well-known as some of his contemporaries, such as Ravel and Claude Debussy, his music remains an important part of French classical music.

Compositions featuring Marcel Labey

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Pastorale 2:20 min Miscellaneous (Classical) 1920
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