Home Composers Leighton Lucas

Leighton Lucas

Short bio Leighton Lucas

Birthday: 1903
Died: 1982

Full biography Leighton Lucas

photo Leighton Lucas

Leighton Lucas was an English composer who was born on January 5, 1903, in London, England, UK, and passed away on November 1, 1982. He was a versatile musician who worked as a conductor, arranger, orchestrator, and composer during his career. Lucas is perhaps best known for his film scores, including those for Stage Fright (1950), The Dam Busters (1955), and Yangtse Incident (1957).

Lucas started his musical career as a pianist and composer , and his first major work was the Partita (1934), a composition for piano and chamber orchestra. He worked extensively in the film industry during the 1940s and 1950s, and his film scores were highly regarded for their melodic and expressive qualities. Lucas was also an accomplished conductor, and he often conducted his own music for film recordings.

Apart from film music, Lucas composed concert works, including several orchestral and chamber pieces. He was a member of the Royal Society of Musicians, and his contributions to the music industry were widely recognized. Lucas's compositions were noted for their lyrical qualities and the use of rich orchestration.

Throughout his career, Lucas collaborated with many notable figures in the music industry, including Benjamin Britten, who praised his work as a composer. Lucas's son, Leighton Lucas, followed in his father's footsteps and became a composer and conductor himself. Overall, Leighton Lucas was a talented musician who made valuable contributions to the music industry and left behind a legacy that continues to inspire new generations of musicians.

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