Home Composers Klaus Lang

Klaus Lang

Short bio Klaus Lang

Birthday: 1971

Full biography Klaus Lang

photo Klaus Lang

Klaus Lang is an Austrian composer, born on April 26, 1971, in Graz. He is known for his works that connect or dissolve time and space in unique ways, and his compositions span a wide range of mediums, including concert organ, improvisation, and academic teaching. Lang has collaborated with various ensembles, including Trio Amos and Golden Fur, and has written several pieces for them.

One of his notable works is "sieben sonnengesichter," an approximately 90-minute composition that dissolves and connects time and space in a special way. His works are experimental, and he often describes himself as an observer of tones rather than a traditional composer with a message to convey. Lang's compositions often explore the relationship between sound, space, and time, and how they interact with one another.

Lang has been active in the music scene since the early 1990s and has received several awards and recognitions for his work. He has been teaching at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz since 2004, where he holds a professorship in composition.

In conclusion, Klaus Lang is an Austrian composer known for his experimental works that explore the relationship between sound, space, and time. He has collaborated with various ensembles and has written several pieces for them. His unique approach to composition and exploration of sound has earned him several awards and recognition in the music world.

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