Home Composers Kevin Penkin

Kevin Penkin

Short bio Kevin Penkin

Birthday: 1992

Full biography Kevin Penkin

photo Kevin Penkin

Kevin Penkin is a composer primarily known for his work in video games and anime. He was born in the UK on May 22, 1992, but later moved to Australia. Penkin has composed soundtracks for multiple anime titles, including "Made in Abyss", "The Rising of the Shield Hero", and "Tower of God". In addition to this, his work can be heard in video games such as "Necrobarista", "Death March Club", and "Under the Dog".

Penkin's work has been praised for its beautiful writing and great use of sound. He draws inspiration from the scenes and artwork in the anime to create music that complements the visual narrative. Penkin's unique soundtracks often include a blend of traditional and digital instruments, creating a unique and immersive listening experience.

Penkin's interest in music started at a young age, and he began playing the piano when he was just 3 years old. He attended the Elder Conservatorium of Music at the University of Adelaide, where he received a Bachelor of Music with First Class Honours. Penkin has also studied at the Film Music Institute of Los Angeles and the Royal College of Music in London.

Overall, Kevin Penkin is a talented and accomplished composer who continues to create beautiful and unique soundtracks for video games and anime. His ability to blend traditional and digital instruments and his dedication to drawing inspiration from the visual narrative make his work stand out in the industry.

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