Home Composers David Pentecost

David Pentecost

Short bio David Pentecost

Birthday: 1940

Full biography David Pentecost

photo David Pentecost

David Pentecost is a British composer, videographer, and writer who was born in 1940. He has also worked as an information technology specialist in the past, and is now retired. Pentecost has made significant contributions to the music industry, having produced several tracks of easy-listening classical music that have been released under Stupak Records. He has also worked with various producers and managers throughout his career.

Despite being a retired IT specialist, Pentecost has continued to compose music, and his works have been featured in several productions, including theater performances. He is known for his easy-listening classical music, which has a unique style that has earned him a considerable fan base.

Pentecost's works have been featured in various events and occasions, including Pentecostal services where his anthems have been received with enthusiasm. Some of his works have also been used in planetarium productions, adding a unique touch to these shows.

Pentecost is also a writer and has written several works including articles on the pros and cons of releasing music on a budget and how to overcome the challenges that come with budget constraints. He also writes on his personal experiences in the music industry and this has helped shape the experiences of many aspiring artists who look up to him.

In conclusion, David Pentecost is a composer, videographer, writer, and retired IT specialist who has made significant contributions to the music industry. His works are unique and stand out among the various genres of music, earning him a considerable fan base not only in Britain but across the globe.

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