Home Composers Keith Mansfield

Keith Mansfield

Short bio Keith Mansfield

Birthday: 1941

Full biography Keith Mansfield

photo Keith Mansfield

Keith Mansfield was a British composer and arranger, born in June 1940 in Slough , Berkshire, England. He began his musical career as a trombonist in a dance band, but eventually decided to pursue his passion for composing and arranging.

Mansfield is known for his work in television and film, having composed and arranged music for numerous productions. He is perhaps best known for the theme tunes he wrote for popular British television programs, such as Grandstand and Countdown. Mansfield also composed the music for the X-Men: First Class soundtrack.

In addition to his work in television and film, Mansfield was also a prolific composer of library music. His music has been used in many different contexts, from commercials to video games.

Throughout his career, Mansfield was respected for his versatility and creativity. He was known for his ability to write in a wide range of musical styles, and was admired for his attention to detail and his commitment to creating music that was both memorable and effective.

Mansfield passed away on 8 January 2022, at the age of 81. His contributions to the world of music continue to be celebrated by fans and colleagues alike, and his influence can be heard in the work of many contemporary composers and arrangers.

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