Home Composers Julius Lenzberg

Julius Lenzberg

Short bio Julius Lenzberg

Birthday: 1878 in Baltimore, MD
Died: 1956 in New York, NY
Active: 1910s - 1920s
Genre: Jazz,Classical

Full biography Julius Lenzberg

photo Julius Lenzberg

Julius Lenzberg (1878-1956) was a German-American composer and bandleader who was active during the ragtime era. He is well known for his ragtime compositions such as "Haunting Rag", "Hungarian Rag", and "Operatic Rag". Lenzberg's music helped fuel a trend in which rag composers such as George L. Cobb and Felix Arndt, as well as various others , experimented with new sounds.

Lenzberg studied music at a young age and eventually became a pupil of James H. Rogers, a noted composer and conductor. After moving to the United States in the early 1900s, Lenzberg became a popular figure in the ragtime scene, and his music was published by major publishers such as John Stark & Son and Jerome H. Remick & Co.

In addition to composing, Lenzberg also led orchestras and played percussion in various bands. He was a percussionist for a time with the Riverside Band, and later led his own orchestra that performed in theaters and hotels across the United States.

Although Lenzberg's music was popular during his lifetime, it has since fallen somewhat into obscurity. Nevertheless, his contributions to the ragtime genre and his innovative compositions have helped to shape the course of American popular music.

Compositions featuring Julius Lenzberg

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Haunting Rag 2:42 min Keyboard 1911
2 Hungarian Rag, for accordion 2:52 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Operatic Rag 2:51 min Keyboard -
4 Some Baby, for banjo & orchestra 3:01 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -

Albums featuring Julius Lenzberg

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Leonardo Stagliano / Julius Lenzberg – The Skating Trot / Operatic Rag(Edison Disc, ) Leonardo Stagliano / Julius Lenzberg – The Skating Trot / Operatic Rag(Edison Disc, ) - Edison Records
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