Home Composers Julian Wagstaff

Julian Wagstaff

Short bio Julian Wagstaff

Birthday: 1970
Genre: Classical

Full biography Julian Wagstaff

photo Julian Wagstaff

Julian Wagstaff is a Scottish composer who was born in Edinburgh in 1970. He is known for his work in the fields of classical music, musical theatre, and opera. Wagstaff began his music career writing and playing music as a hobby. However, his passion for music led him to pursue it as a career.

Wagstaff's interest in history and the sciences is often reflected in his music and theatre writing. He has worked on a number of notable projects throughout his career. These include writing the Chemistry Tercentenary opera for the University of Edinburgh, as well as collaborating with London-based film and television writer Joel Jenkins on a musical about Scots/American revolutionary hero , John Paul Jones.

In addition to his work as a composer, Wagstaff is also a writer and guitarist. He has published rock and folk songs under the name Jules Reed and has performed as a guitarist in various musical groups.

Wagstaff's compositions have been featured in various concerts and festivals around the world, and he has been commissioned to write music for a number of prestigious organizations. His work has received critical acclaim, and he is recognized as one of the leading composers of his generation.

Overall, Julian Wagstaff is a talented and versatile composer who has made significant contributions to a number of musical genres. His passion for music, combined with his diverse interests, has resulted in a body of work that is both innovative and thought-provoking.

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