Home Composers Juan Perez de Gijon

Juan Perez de Gijon

Short bio Juan Perez de Gijon

Birthday: 1460
Died: 1500

Full biography Juan Perez de Gijon

photo Juan Perez de Gijon

Juan Perez de Gijon was a talented Spanish composer of the Renaissance period, born in the early 16th century. He was known for his sacred music compositions, which were popular in his time, and he was recognized as one of the most influential composers of his era.

Perez de Gijon's music was characterized by its intricate vocal harmonies, rich melodies, and deep religious themes. He composed a significant amount of liturgical music, including masses, motets, and hymns. His compositions often featured complex polyphonic arrangements, which were typical of Renaissance music.

Perez de Gijon spent most of his life serving in various positions in the Catholic Church. He held appointments at both the Cathedral of Toledo and the Royal Chapel in Madrid, and was also a member of the Spanish royal court. During his time at the royal court, he was commissioned to write sacred music for special occasions and events, solidifying his reputation as a respected composer.

Despite his success, very little is known about Perez de Gijon’s personal life, including his birth date, family, and death. Nevertheless, his contributions to music in Spain and throughout the world are significant, and his legacy lives on through his captivating and timeless compositions.

Albums featuring Juan Perez de Gijon

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Al Dolor De Mi Cuidado (Cantiga)Segréis de Lisboa, Manuel Morais – Música Para O Teatro De Gil Vicente / Music For The Plays of Gil Vicente(CD, Album) Al Dolor De Mi Cuidado (Cantiga)Segréis de Lisboa, Manuel Morais – Música Para O Teatro De Gil Vicente / Music For The Plays of Gil Vicente(CD, Album) 2006 Portugaler
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