Home Composers Davide Perez

Davide Perez

Short bio Davide Perez

Birthday: 1711
Died: 1778
Genre: Classical

Full biography Davide Perez

photo Davide Perez

Davide Perez (1711 - 30 October 1778) was an Italian opera composer born in Naples and later became a resident court composer at Lisbon from 1752. His musical style was heavily influenced by the Neapolitan school of opera and he was well-known for his mastery of the lyric style. Perez composed around 40 operas, most of which premiered in Naples, and many of them became extremely popular in their time. He also composed a number of cantatas, chamber music, and sacred music. One of his most famous works is the opera "Solimano," which was performed for the first time in Lisbon in 1755. His music was known for its melodiousness, charm, and elegance. Perez's influence on the development of opera in Europe can still be felt today, and he is considered one of the leading opera composers of his time.

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