Home Composers Joseph Lamb

Joseph Lamb

Short bio Joseph Lamb

Birthday: 1887 in Montclair, NJ
Died: 1960 in Brooklyn, NY
Active: 1950s
Genre: Jazz,Classical

Full biography Joseph Lamb

photo Joseph Lamb

Joseph Francis Lamb (December 6 ), 1887 – September 3, 1960) was an American composer, primarily known for his contributions to the ragtime music genre in the early 20th century. Born in Montclair, New Jersey, Lamb was of Irish descent and was the only non-African American among the leading ragtime composers of his time.

Lamb began his musical career playing piano in movie theaters and honky-tonks, where he gained exposure to ragtime music. In his early years, he was heavily influenced by the works of Scott Joplin, the father of ragtime music, and grew to become friends with him. Lamb's music was characterized by his unique style, which blended elements of classical music with ragtime rhythms. He was known for his use of complex harmonies and unique melodies, making his music stand out from the works of other ragtime composers.

Lamb's most famous composition, "Bohemia Rag," was published in 1919 and quickly gained popularity throughout the United States. He also composed other famous works such as "Sensation Rag," "American Beauty," and "Champagne Rag." Unlike many of his contemporaries who exclusively composed rags, Lamb also wrote other forms of music such as waltzes and marches.

Despite his contributions to ragtime music, Lamb faded into relative obscurity in the later years of his life, and his music was largely forgotten until the ragtime revival of the 1950s. A resurgence of interest in ragtime music brought about a renewed appreciation for Lamb's work, and his compositions were performed and recorded by various musicians. In recent times, many have recognized Lamb as one of the greats of the ragtime genre.

Joseph Lamb's musical legacy lives on through his compositions and their continued popularity. His impact on American music has been profound, and he remains an influence on modern-day composers and musicians who seek to revive the ragtime genre.

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