Home Composers Jose angel Lamas

Jose angel Lamas

Short bio Jose angel Lamas

Birthday: 1775
Died: 1814

Full biography Jose angel Lamas

photo Jose angel Lamas

José Ángel Lamas was a prominent Venezuelan composer, born on August 2, 1775, in Caracas, Venezuela. He is considered one of the most important figures in Venezuelan music of the colonial and early republican periods. Lamas showed an early interest in music and began his formal training at an early age. He received his education at the cathedral of Caracas, where he was a pupil of Lino Gallardo and later became a maestro de capilla (chapel master).

Lamas' music is known for its unique blend of European, indigenous, and African influences. He composed a variety of works, including religious music, secular songs, and theater productions. He was also a prolific composer of instrumental music, notably zarzuela, which is a form of Spanish lyric theater.

In addition to his work as a composer, Lamas was a respected music educator. He founded the first music school in Venezuela, the José Angel Lamas Superior Music School, which was later renamed the National Conservatory of Music. Today, the school stands as a testament to Lamas' vision for music education and his impact on the musical culture of Venezuela.

Lamas' legacy continues to influence Venezuelan music to this day. His contributions to the development of Venezuelan music have earned him prestigious accolades, including the National Music Prize "José Ángel Lamas" awarded by the government of Venezuela. Overall, José Ángel Lamas was a remarkable composer and educator who left an indelible mark on Venezuelan music history.

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