Home Composers John White

John White

Short bio John White

Birthday: 1936 in Rochester, MN

Full biography John White

photo John White

John White is an English experimental composer and musical performer ), born on April 5, 1936, in Berlin. He is one of the pioneers of minimalism in British classical music and is known for his innovative and unconventional approach to composition.

Despite receiving a formal education in music at the Royal College of Music, White's early musical interests were focused on jazz and improvised music. He later developed an interest in minimalism, which he explored in his compositions, focusing on simple musical structures and repetitive patterns.

White is considered an influential figure in the minimalist movement, having introduced the genre to the British music scene during the 1960s. He experimented with electronic and acoustic sound and collaborated with visual artists, dancers, and filmmakers to create groundbreaking multimedia works.

Over the course of his career, White has released numerous recordings and has performed at various festivals and events worldwide. His work has been recognized with several awards and honors, including the prestigious Paul Hamlyn award in 1992.

Despite his contributions to the world of music, White's work remains relatively unknown outside specialist circles. However, his influence on modern music cannot be understated, and he continues to inspire contemporary composers and performers alike.

Compositions featuring John White

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Blake Songs (2), for voice & piano 8:15 min Vocal Music 2001
2 Flower Songs for voice & piano 10:22 min Vocal Music 2000
3 Sonata for cello & piano 19:54 min Chamber Music 1981
4 But God's Own Descent, for wind ensemble & choir 14:35 min Choral -
5 Houses and Gardens in the Heart of England, for voice & piano 2:31 min Vocal Music -
6 Introit, Illusions, Ritual, & Dance, for cello & percussion 16:52 min Chamber Music -
7 Music for Violin & Piano 11:26 min Chamber Music -
8 Music of the Open Road, for orchestra 22:40 min Orchestral -
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