Home Composers Benjamin Franklin White

Benjamin Franklin White

Short bio Benjamin Franklin White

Birthday: 1800 in Spartanburg, SC
Died: 1879 in Atlanta, GA
Genre: Classical,Religious
Period: Romantic

Full biography Benjamin Franklin White

photo Benjamin Franklin White

Benjamin Franklin White was a well-known American composer who was born on September 20, 1800, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He was most renowned for his contribution to shape note singing, a unique music notation system that used different shapes to represent different pitches.

White became known as a "singing master" and composed numerous hymns and gospel songs during his lifetime. He is perhaps best known for his compilations of shape note tunebooks, including The Sacred Harp, which is still widely used in the United States today.

White was a popular figure in the music industry during the 19th century, and his work had a significant impact on the development of American music. He also had a successful career as a music teacher and traveling music instructor, giving lessons to students of all ages and backgrounds across the United States.

In addition to his contributions to music, White was also widely respected for his devout Christian faith and commitment to serving others. He passed away on December 5, 1879, in Atlanta, Georgia but his legacy as an influential composer in American music still persists to this day through his pieces that have stood the test of time and are still celebrated by music lovers.

Compositions featuring Benjamin Franklin White

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Baptismal anthem 1:54 min Choral -
2 Beach Spring, hymn tune (attributed) 1:08 min Choral -
3 Loving Jesus 1:52 min Orchestral -
4 O when Shall I See Jesus, hymn (to the tune Morning Trumpet) 2:32 min Choral -
5 The Morning Trumpet 2:38 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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