Home Composers John Serry, Sr.

John Serry, Sr.

Short bio John Serry, Sr.

Birthday: 1915
Died: 2003

Full biography John Serry, Sr.

photo John Serry, Sr.

John Serry, Sr. was an American musician and arranger born on January 29, 1915 in Westbury, New York. He was a prominent figure in the world of jazz and accordion music during the mid-twentieth century. He started playing the accordion at the age of six and went on to champion the instrument as a versatile instrument capable of playing various styles of music beyond polkas and waltzes.

John Serry, Sr. performed with notable musicians of his time, including jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker and the legendary Duke Ellington. He also worked as an arranger for the NBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Arturo Toscanini.

Aside from performing, John Serry, Sr. was also a prolific composer and arranger in his own right. He collaborated with various musicians and artists in producing original compositions and music arrangements. He also encouraged other contemporary composers to write music for the accordion, promoting it as a legitimate solo instrument in jazz and orchestral music.

John Serry passed away on September 14, 2003, leaving behind a legacy as one of the foremost accordionists and composers of his time.

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