Home Composers John Palm

John Palm

Short bio John Palm

Birthday: 1885
Died: 1925

Full biography John Palm

photo John Palm

John Palm was a composer who lived from 1885 to 1925. He was born in the Dutch West Indies, which is now known as the island of Aruba. Not much is known about his early life, but he is believed to have been musically gifted from a young age. John Palm is known for his compositions for piano and for his unique style of combining European classical music with Afro-Caribbean rhythms.

In addition to music composition, John Palm was also a skilled pianist and performed in concerts throughout the Caribbean and South America. He was also a music teacher and worked to promote music education in the Dutch colonies.

John Palm was part of a famous musical family, which included his cousin Rudolf Palm, who was also a composer. John Palm passed away at the age of 40, leaving behind a significant legacy in the world of music. Today, his compositions continue to be performed and admired for their unique blend of classical and Caribbean influences.

Compositions featuring John Palm

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Under rönn och syrén 3:19 min Choral -
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