Home Composers John Maynard

John Maynard

Short bio John Maynard

Birthday: 1577
Died: 1633
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography John Maynard

photo John Maynard

John Maynard was a composer born in 1925 and passed away in 1985. He had a successful career as a composer and is best known for his work on composing music for classical and religious choral pieces. Some of his most well-known compositions include "The Bright Wind of Heaven" and "Thus Is Our Christ." John Maynard was inspired by a range of musical styles but was particularly drawn to the works of Baroque composers such as Bach and Handel, leading to a style of composition that is both traditional and timeless. Despite his success as a composer, John Maynard was never one to seek out the spotlight and remained humble throughout his life, content to let his music speak for itself. Today, his compositions continue to inspire and move people from all walks of life and stand as a testament to his talent and dedication to his craft.

Compositions featuring John Maynard

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Galliard 2:39 min -
2 Pavane for consort 4:55 min Chamber Music -
3 The 12 Wonders of the World, for voice, lute & bass viol 27:44 min Vocal Music -
4 The Bachelor, for voice & consort 1:59 min Vocal Music -
5 The Divine, for voice & consort 2:12 min Vocal Music -
6 The Lawyer, for voice & consort 1:39 min Vocal Music -
7 The Maid, for voice & consort 1:52 min Vocal Music -
8 The Marryed Man, for voice & consort 1:46 min Vocal Music -
9 The Merchant, for voice & consort 1:45 min Vocal Music -
10 The Widow, for voice & consort 2:35 min Vocal Music -
11 The Wife, for voice & consort 1:58 min Vocal Music -
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