Home Composers John Lanchbery

John Lanchbery

Short bio John Lanchbery

Birthday: 1923
Died: 2003

Full biography John Lanchbery

photo John Lanchbery

John Arthur Lanchbery OBE (15 May 1923 – 27 February 2003) was an English-Australian composer and conductor , known for his work in the world of ballet. He was born in London and spent much of his career in Australia, where he served as conductor in various opera and ballet companies.

Lanchbery was a versatile composer who wrote music for films, television, radio, and opera, but his primary focus was on ballet. He was known for his unique arrangements of classical ballet works, including The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Giselle.

One of Lanchberry's notable achievements was being the first composer to take music from an opera and transform it into a ballet. He did this for the ballet "Ondine", which premiered in 1958. He also arranged the score for "Children of the Zodiac", a ballet choreographed by Robert Helpmann.

Throughout his long career, Lanchbery worked with many leading figures in the world of dance, including choreographers Kenneth MacMillan and Peter Darrell. He was known for his ability to seamlessly blend music and dance in his compositions, creating works that were both technically challenging and emotionally engaging.

Lanchbery passed away in 2003 at the age of 79, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking work in the world of ballet. His music continues to be performed by ballet companies around the world, and his influence on the genre remains strong.

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