Home Composers John Frederick Lampe

John Frederick Lampe

Short bio John Frederick Lampe

Birthday: 1703 in Germany
Died: 1751 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Genre: Classical

Full biography John Frederick Lampe

photo John Frederick Lampe

John Frederick Lampe was a notable composer and musician who lived in the 18th century. He was born in Saxony, Germany and settled in England in the 1720s, where he became famous for his operatic works in English. He was known for writing English operas in defiance of the Italian opera vogue at the time, and collaborated with other prominent composers such as Thomas Arne.

Lampe wrote numerous operatic works, including his mock opera "Pyramus and Thisbe", which is still performed today. He also worked as a bassoonist in Handel's opera orchestra for a time before focusing exclusively on composition.

Lampe's son, Charles John Frederick Lampe , was also a successful composer and organist, following in his father's footsteps. John Frederick Lampe passed away in 1751, but his legacy in the world of music and opera has endured.

His works have been featured on recordings and performances with top musicians like Mary Bevan, Catherine Carby, Jack Edwards, and Arwel Treharne. Additionally, his music has been used in other areas of the arts, including theater productions and movies.

Albums featuring John Frederick Lampe

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: John Frederick Lampe - Mary Bevan, Catherine Carby, Mark Wilde (4), John Savournin, The Brook Street Band, John Andrews (28) – The Dragon Of Wantley(2×CD, Album) John Frederick Lampe - Mary Bevan, Catherine Carby, Mark Wilde (4), John Savournin, The Brook Street Band, John Andrews (28) – The Dragon Of Wantley(2×CD, Album) 2022 Resonus Classics
2 Cover for album: John Frederick Lampe, Opera Restor'd, Peter Holman – Pyramus And Thisbe(CD, Album) John Frederick Lampe, Opera Restor'd, Peter Holman – Pyramus And Thisbe(CD, Album) 1995 Hyperion
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