Home Composers Johannes Legrant

Johannes Legrant

Short bio Johannes Legrant

Birthday: 1420
Died: 1440
Genre: Classical

Full biography Johannes Legrant

photo Johannes Legrant

Johannes Legrant was a composer of the early Renaissance who lived around the years 1420 to 1440. He may have been French or Burgundian, but little is known for certain about his life. Legrant was associated with the Burgundian School, a renowned group of composers who flourished in the Burgundian Netherlands during the 15th century.

Legrant's compositions were primarily religious music written in Latin, which was typical of composers of his time. His music was likely performed in churches and other religious settings. Despite being less well-known than some of his contemporaries, Legrant's music was highly regarded during his lifetime.

While not much is known about Legrant's personal life, his contributions to music during the Renaissance are noted and appreciated by historians and music enthusiasts.

Compositions featuring Johannes Legrant

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Las je ne puis, rondeau 1:38 min Orchestral -
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