Home Composers Guillaume Legrant

Guillaume Legrant

Short bio Guillaume Legrant

Birthday: 1405
Died: 1449
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Guillaume Legrant

photo Guillaume Legrant

Guillaume Legrant (1405-1449) was a French composer of the early Renaissance who was active in Flanders , Italy, and France. He is considered to be one of the first composers to write polyphony. However, little is known about his life or his works. Legrant's music was found across Europe, and many of his works have survived in manuscripts. Despite his contributions to the development of polyphonic music, Legrant is somewhat obscure today, and his works are not often performed or recorded. Nonetheless, he remains an important figure in the history of music, and his contributions to the development of music in the Renaissance period should not be overlooked.

Compositions featuring Guillaume Legrant

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Chanson 2:13 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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