Home Composers Johann Valentin Meder

Johann Valentin Meder

Short bio Johann Valentin Meder

Birthday: 1649 in Wasungen, Germany
Died: 1719 in Riga, Latvia
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Johann Valentin Meder

photo Johann Valentin Meder

Johann Valentin Meder was a German composer, musician, and music theorist who lived during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. He was born in Frankfurt in 1649 and began his musical career as a chorister at the Frankfurt Cathedral. Later, he became a member of the orchestra in Hamburg where he contributed to the development of opera in Germany.

Meder's work is regarded as some of the most important in the German Baroque era. He was a prolific composer, creating over 500 works during his lifetime. His music was known for its rich and complex harmonies, as well as its use of intricate polyphony.

One of Meder's most significant contributions was his theory of harmony, which he laid out in his book "Gründliche Anweisung zur Composition" (Detailed Instructions for Composition). The book was widely used by composers in Germany and beyond and provided important insights into the structure and organization of music.

Despite his significant contributions, Meder's work was largely forgotten after his death in 1719. It was not until the 20th century that a renewed interest in his music emerged. Today, Meder is recognized as a significant figure in the history of German music and his compositions and theories continue to inspire musicians and scholars alike.

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