Home Composers Johann Christian Lobe

Johann Christian Lobe

Short bio Johann Christian Lobe

Birthday: 1797
Died: 1881

Full biography Johann Christian Lobe

photo Johann Christian Lobe

Johann Christian Lobe (1797-1881) was a German composer , music theorist, and writer. He began his career as a flutist and violist before turning to composition and music theory. Lobe's early works include operas and instrumental pieces composed between 1820 and 1840. In his later years, he worked as a composition teacher from 1846 to 1880.

Lobe also distinguished himself as a writer on music, contributing articles to various periodicals, including the Fliegende Blätter für Musik and Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. He wrote on a variety of topics, including musical aesthetics, music theory, and the history of music.

As a composer, Lobe's works were characterized by a strong sense of harmony and melody. He composed in a variety of genres, from opera to chamber music. One of his most famous works is his opera "Die grüne Hopfenranke," which was premiered in Leipzig in 1844.

Lobe's contributions to music theory include his "Catechism of Composition," a treatise on the principles of harmony and counterpoint. He was also known for his musical analyses of the works of notable composers, including Richard Wagner.

Lobe passed away in 1881 at the age of 84. Despite his many contributions to music and music theory, he is relatively unknown today. However, his writings and compositions remain valuable contributions to 19th-century German music and culture.

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