Home Composers Jimmy Lopez

Jimmy Lopez

Short bio Jimmy Lopez

Birthday: 1978 in Lima, Peru
Active: 2000s - 2010s
Genre: Classical

Full biography Jimmy Lopez

photo Jimmy Lopez

Jimmy Lpez Bellido is a renowned classical music composer hailing from Lima, Peru. He was born on October 21, 1978, and has won several international awards and nominations for his works. Lpez began composing music when he was just twelve years old and has been fascinated by the art form ever since.

Lpez's compositions are known for their dazzling orchestral writing, which often includes complex timbres and textures. He has a deep understanding of how to make use of the sounds that different instruments can produce, and he often uses this knowledge to create music that is both beautiful and moving. Lpez's works have been performed by several prestigious orchestras worldwide, including the Houston Symphony and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

One of Lpez's most famous works is his new violin concerto, which he composed as the Houston Symphony Composer-in-Residence. In this work, Lpez uses the violin to create a rich and complex soundscape that is both modern and classical in nature. He is also known for his tone poem "Aino," which was co-commissioned by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and is an homage to the country that welcomed him as a young student.

Lpez is not just a composer but also a collaborator, who works closely with other artists to create music that is both innovative and exciting. He has conducted several interviews to understand his subject better, as well as incorporated his findings into his compositions.

In conclusion, Lpez is an exciting and innovative composer who is continually pushing the boundaries of classical music. He has a unique understanding of how to create music that is both beautiful and complex, and his compositions have won the hearts of music lovers and critics alike. With his talent and dedication to his craft, it is evident that Lpez will continue to be an indispensable voice in the classical music scene for years to come.

Compositions featuring Jimmy Lopez

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Symphony No. 2 ("Ad Astra") 49:20 min Symphony 2019
2 Aurora, concerto for violin & orchestra 36:51 min Concerto 2017
3 Bel Canto, a Symphonic Canvas, for orchestra 30:18 min Orchestral 2016
4 Symphony No. 1 ("The Travails of Persiles and Sigismunda") 45:23 min Symphony 2016
5 Lord of the Air, concerto for cello & orchestra 24:13 min Concerto 2012
6 Perú Negro, for orchestra 17:08 min Orchestral 2012
7 Synesthésie, for orchestra 12:14 min Orchestral 2011
8 Warped Symmetry, for flute 8:39 min Chamber Music 2011
9 Incubus 3 (to a poem by Paul Williams), for clarinet, percussion & live electronics 17:06 min Electronic/Computer Music 2009
10 América Salvaje, for orchestra 13:17 min Orchestral 2006
11 Where Once We Sang, for voice & piano 4:28 min Vocal Music -
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