Home Composers Esteban Lopez Morago

Esteban Lopez Morago

Short bio Esteban Lopez Morago

Birthday: 1575
Died: 1630
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Esteban Lopez Morago

photo Esteban Lopez Morago

Esteban Lopez Morago was a Spanish-born composer who lived and worked in Portugal during the late Renaissance period. He was born around 1575 and died around 1630. Lopez Morago is known for his contributions to the musical scene in Portugal during his time and has been recognized as one of the most important composers of the period.

Lopez Morago's compositions were mostly sacred music and included works such as masses, motets, and antiphons. His style was heavily influenced by the music of the Spanish Renaissance and was characterized by its use of polyphony and intense harmonies.

Some of his major works include "Oculi Mei Semper Ad Dominum," which has been widely performed and recorded , and "Commissa Mea Pavesco," which is a beautiful example of his use of polyphony. Lopez Morago's works were highly regarded during his time, and his music is still performed and studied today.

While little is known about Lopez Morago's personal life, he left a lasting impact on the music of the late Renaissance period. His compositions continue to be admired for their beauty and complexity, and his legacy lives on in the music that he created.

Compositions featuring Esteban Lopez Morago

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Commissa Mea Pavesco 4:13 min Choral -
2 De Profundis 2:20 min Choral -
3 Esto Mihi 2:03 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Exsurge 1:30 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
5 Jesu Redemptor 2:27 min Vocal Music -
6 Laetentur Caeli 1:14 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
7 Laudate pueri II, motet for 7 voices 5:38 min Choral -
8 Montes Israel 1:16 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
9 Oculi Mei 2:24 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
10 Parce Domine 2:04 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
11 Quem vidistis 2:31 min Choral -
12 Revelabitur Gloria Domini 1:08 min Choral -
13 Versa Est in Luctum 2:59 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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