Home Composers Jan Gerard Palm

Jan Gerard Palm

Short bio Jan Gerard Palm

Birthday: 1831
Died: 1906
Genre: Pop/Rock

Full biography Jan Gerard Palm

photo Jan Gerard Palm

Jan Gerard Palm was a composer, bandmaster, and choir master born on June 2, 1831, on the island of Curaao. He is often referred to as the "Father of Curaaoan Classical Music," as he was one of the most prominent 19th-century composers from the Caribbean. Despite living in a dominantly prudish 19th century , he dared to write erotic tumbas , a musical form native to Bonaire and Curaao.

Palm was the first composer to write tumbas and also the first to write classical music on the island of Curaao ). Some of his notable works include "Djuku" and "Koninklijk Fanfare Corps Excelsior." Palm's music was influenced by African and European traditions, and his compositions were often written for piano and orchestra.

In addition to his music, Palm was also a bandmaster and choir master, conducting many performances and leading various musical groups on the island. Palm passed away on December 13, 1906, but his legacy continues to live on through his music and the impact he had on the development of classical music in the Caribbean.

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