Home Composers Isidore de Lara

Isidore de Lara

Short bio Isidore de Lara

Birthday: 1858
Died: 1935
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography Isidore de Lara

photo Isidore de Lara

Isidore de Lara was a British composer and conductor who lived from 1858 to 1935. He was born in London to a Sephardic Jewish family, but he spent most of his life in France, where he became a well-known and respected figure in the musical world.

De Lara began his musical career as a pianist, but he soon turned his attention to composition. He studied with some of the best-known teachers of his time, including Jules Massenet and Camille Saint-Saëns. He quickly established himself as a composer of operas and songs, and his works were performed throughout Europe.

One of de Lara's most famous works is his opera "Messaline," which premiered in Paris in 1899. This opera is based on the story of the notorious Roman empress Messalina, and it features some of de Lara's most powerful and dramatic music.

De Lara was also known for his songs, which often featured lush harmonies and rich melodies. Some of his best-known songs include "L'Amour est un Oiseau Rebelle" and "Ouvre Ton Coeur."

In addition to his work as a composer, de Lara was also a respected conductor. He conducted many of his own works, as well as those of other composers. He was known for his ability to bring out the best in his musicians, and for his energetic and passionate performances.

Although he is not as well-known today as some of his contemporaries, Isidore de Lara was a talented composer and conductor whose works continue to be performed and enjoyed today. His music is a testament to his skill as a composer, and to his passion for the art of music.

Compositions featuring Isidore de Lara

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 El Huesped Del Sevillano Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 Garden of Sleep 3:59 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Messaline, opera Opera -
4 Rondel de L'Adieu 3:10 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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