Home Composers Ignaz Walter

Ignaz Walter

Short bio Ignaz Walter

Birthday: 1755
Died: 1822

Full biography Ignaz Walter

photo Ignaz Walter

Ignaz Walter was a German opera singer and composer who lived from 1752 to 1822. He was born in Röhrenfurth, Germany and began his musical career as a choirboy. Later in life, he performed as a tenor in various opera houses in Germany and Austria. Walter is known for composing a number of operas, including "Rudolf von Habsburg" and "Der Schütz in Trauren." He also composed sacred music, such as his "Te Deum." Ignaz Walter was a contemporary of famous composers such as Haydn and Mozart, and his music reflects the classical style of his time. Although Walter's music is not as well-known as that of some of his contemporaries, his compositions are still performed and appreciated by classical music enthusiasts today.

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