Home Composers Bruno Walter

Bruno Walter

Short bio Bruno Walter

Birthday: 1876 in Berlin, Germany
Died: 1962 in Beverly Hills, CA
Active: 1890s - 1950s
Genre: Classical
Period: 20th Century

Full biography Bruno Walter

photo Bruno Walter

Bruno Walter was a German-born conductor , pianist, and composer who lived from 1876 to 1962. He was known for his close work with Gustav Mahler, serving as an assistant and protégé to the composer. Walter later went on to conduct Mahler's works and became known for his interpretations of Mahler's symphonies.

Walter began his career as a composer, writing symphonic and chamber works during his time in Vienna. He also published several essays on music. However, Walter became more widely known for his work as a conductor, leading numerous orchestras throughout his career.

Walter's career took a difficult turn when he was forced to leave Nazi Germany in 1933. He went on to become a French citizen in 1938 and later moved to the United States. In the US, he conducted various orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, and became known for his interpretations of Mozart's works.

Throughout his career, Walter was highly respected for his musical abilities and his commitment to performing works as the composer intended. He was known for his deep understanding of the music and his ability to bring out the best in the performers he worked with. He was also a writer, publishing a memoir titled "Theme and Variations" later in life.

Overall, Bruno Walter was a highly influential figure in the world of classical music. He was a talented composer, conductor, and writer who worked closely with some of the greatest composers of his time. His contributions to the classical music world continue to be recognized and celebrated today.

Compositions featuring Bruno Walter

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Piano Quintet in F sharp minor 31:31 min Chamber Music 1904
2 String Quartet in D major 44:11 min Chamber Music 1903
3 Weißt Du, wie lieb ich Dich hab'?, for voice & piano Vocal Music -
4 Bruno Walter on Fritz Kreisler (talk) 1:59 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
5 Waltraut's Lied 2, Op. 11/4 1:51 min Vocal Music -
6 Waltraut's Lied 1, Op. 11/3 1:40 min Vocal Music -
7 Traumgekrönt 2:05 min Vocal Music -
8 Tragödie III ("Auf ihrem Grab"), for voice & piano 2:53 min Vocal Music -
9 Tragödie II (""Es fiel ein Reif"), for voice & piano 3:03 min Vocal Music -
10 Tragödie I ("Entflieh mit mir"), for voice & piano 1:27 min Vocal Music -
11 Sonata for violin & piano in A major 32:17 min -
12 Musikantengruß, for voice & piano 2:40 min Vocal Music -
13 Liebeslust, Op. 11/6 3:14 min Vocal Music -
14 Elfe, for voice & piano 1:47 min Vocal Music -
15 Ein Drängen ist in meinem Herzen 1:13 min Vocal Music -
16 Die Linde, for voice & piano Vocal Music -
17 Die Lerche, for voice & piano 3:45 min Vocal Music -
18 Des Kindes Schlaf, for voice & piano 2:07 min Vocal Music -
19 Der Soldat, for voice & keyboard 1:40 min Vocal Music -
20 Der junge Ehemann, for voice & keyboard 3:28 min Vocal Music -
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