Home Composers Heinrich Zollner

Heinrich Zollner

Short bio Heinrich Zollner

Birthday: 1854

Full biography Heinrich Zollner

photo Heinrich Zollner

Heinrich Zollner was a German composer, born in Leipzig on July 4, 1854. He was the son of Carl Friedrich Zollner, who was also a composer. Heinrich Zollner graduated from the Leipzig Conservatory in 1877 and then pursued further studies in composition with Franz Wüllner in Cologne. He was appointed conductor and music director of the Liederkranz Club in New York in 1890, where he worked for several years.

Zollner was a prolific composer, writing numerous works for orchestra, choir, and chamber ensembles. He was known for his choral works, which included works for male choirs, mixed choirs, and children's choirs. Some of his most famous works included "Die Loreley" for choir and orchestra, and "In stürmischer Zeit" for male choir.

Zollner's music was a blend of Romanticism and Classicism, with a clear influence from the German romantic tradition. He was known for his skillful use of harmony and counterpoint, and his music was often characterized by beautiful melodies and rich textures.

Heinrich Zollner died on May 8, 1941, in New York City at the age of 86. Though he may not be as well-known as some of his contemporaries, he remains an important figure in the German Romantic tradition and his music continues to be performed and enjoyed today.

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