Home Composers Carl Friedrich Zollner

Carl Friedrich Zollner

Short bio Carl Friedrich Zollner

Birthday: 1800

Full biography Carl Friedrich Zollner

photo Carl Friedrich Zollner

Carl Friedrich Zollner was a German composer and choir director born on May 17 , 1800. He studied music at the Thomasschule zu Leipzig and later worked as a choir director in Frauenstein, Leipzig, and Dresden. Zollner composed a variety of works for choir, including lieder, motets, and cantatas. His most famous work is the song "Des Müllers Lust und Leid" which was inspired by the poem "Die schöne Müllerin" by Wilhelm Müller. This song was part of a collection of songs titled "Die schöne Müllerin" and was composed for voice and piano. Zollner's settings of the poems offer deep insights into his innermost feelings.

Zollner was a contemporary of many famous composers, including Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann. Although he was not as well-known as these composers during his lifetime, his works have since gained recognition and respect. Zollner died on September 25, 1860, at the age of 60 in Dresden, Germany. Despite his relatively short career, Zollner was a talented composer and a significant figure in the musical world of his time.

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