Home Composers Gustav Ernesaks

Gustav Ernesaks

Short bio Gustav Ernesaks

Birthday: 1908 in Estonia
Died: 1993 in Tallinn, Estonia
Genre: Classical
Period: Classical, Modern

Full biography Gustav Ernesaks

photo Gustav Ernesaks

Gustav Ernesaks (1908-1993) was a beloved Estonian composer, choir conductor, and singer who left an indelible mark on Estonian music and culture. He was born in Peningi, Estonia and studied music in Tallinn and Moscow. Ernesaks is best known for his compositions that celebrate Estonian identity and the country's natural beauty.

Ernesaks was a pioneer of the choral music movement in Estonia, and his works often featured choirs and soloists. He composed several operas, including "Tormide rand" and "Talvine romanss," and he also wrote many songs and choral pieces that became staples of Estonian culture. One of his most famous compositions is "Mu isamaa on minu arm" (My Fatherland is My Love), which has become an unofficial national anthem for Estonia , and is often sung at national events and festivals.

Ernesaks was also a renowned conductor, having conducted many choirs during his career, including the Estonian National Male Choir. He was a strong advocate for Estonian culture and identity, and was an important figure in the Estonian national awakening movement during the 1980s. He played an important role in the Singing Revolution, a series of nonviolent protests that led to Estonia regaining its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

After his death in 1993, Estonia declared a national day of mourning in his honor. Today, his legacy lives on through his music, which is still widely performed and celebrated in Estonia. His statue can also be found on the Estonia singing festival grounds , watching over the amphitheater where his music has been performed for decades.

Compositions featuring Gustav Ernesaks

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Mu isamaa on minu arm 3:40 min Choral 1944
2 State Anthem of the Estonian SSR 2:36 min Vocal Music -

Albums featuring Gustav Ernesaks

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Lauluisa(CD, Compilation) Lauluisa(CD, Compilation) 1993 Forte
2 Cover for album: Mu Isamaa On Minu Arm(LP) Mu Isamaa On Minu Arm(LP) 1988 Мелодия
3 Cover for album: Laulutaat Gustav Ernesaks Laulutaat Gustav Ernesaks 1983 Мелодия
4 Cover for album: Gustav Ernesaks Gustav Ernesaks 1978 Мелодия
5 Cover for album: Teeme Muusikat Teeme Muusikat 1977 Мелодия
6 Cover for album: RAM, Gustav Ernesaks – Kuidas Kalamehed Elavad / Ustavus(LP) RAM, Gustav Ernesaks – Kuidas Kalamehed Elavad / Ustavus(LP) 1972 Мелодия
7 Cover for album: Gustav Ernesaks Gustav Ernesaks 1968 Мелодия
8 Cover for album: Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, G. Ernesaks – Ave Verum(10 Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, G. Ernesaks – Ave Verum(10", 33 ⅓ RPM) 1966 Мелодия
9 Cover for album: Estonian National Male Choir, Gustav Ernesaks – Songs by Estonian composers(10 Estonian National Male Choir, Gustav Ernesaks – Songs by Estonian composers(10", 33 ⅓ RPM, Album, Mono) 1965 Мелодия
10 Cover for album: Э. Капп / Г. Эрнесакс – Сцены И Арии Из Оперы «Певец Свободы» / Сцены И Арии Из Оперы «Рука Об Руку»(LP, 10 Э. Капп / Г. Эрнесакс – Сцены И Арии Из Оперы «Певец Свободы» / Сцены И Арии Из Оперы «Рука Об Руку»(LP, 10", Reissue, Mono) 1962 Melodija (2)
11 Cover for album: Гос. Академ. Мужской Хор Эстонской ССР, Г. Эрнесакс – Власть Песни(8 Гос. Академ. Мужской Хор Эстонской ССР, Г. Эрнесакс – Власть Песни(8", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mono) 1960 Всесоюзная Студия Грамзаписи
12 Cover for album: Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, Gustav Ernesaks – Karjase Pühapäev(8 Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, Gustav Ernesaks – Karjase Pühapäev(8", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mono) 1959 Līgo
13 Cover for album: Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, Gustav Ernesaks – Metsajärv(8 Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, Gustav Ernesaks – Metsajärv(8", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mono) 1959 Līgo
14 Cover for album: Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, Gustav Ernesaks – Pühendus(8 Eesti NSV Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor, Gustav Ernesaks – Pühendus(8", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mono) 1959 Līgo
15 Cover for album: Kuidas Kalamehed Elavad (Koorisüit) Kuidas Kalamehed Elavad (Koorisüit) 1957 Līgo
16 Cover for album: Государственный Академический Мужской Хор Эстонской ССР = Estonian State Academic Men's Choir Led By G. Ernesax – Концерт Государственного Академического Мужского Хора Эстонской ССР = Concert Of The Estonian State Academic Men's Choir(LP, 10 Государственный Академический Мужской Хор Эстонской ССР = Estonian State Academic Men's Choir Led By G. Ernesax – Концерт Государственного Академического Мужского Хора Эстонской ССР = Concert Of The Estonian State Academic Men's Choir(LP, 10", Mono) - Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga
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