Home Composers Gordon Mumma

Gordon Mumma

Short bio Gordon Mumma

Birthday: 1935

Full biography Gordon Mumma

photo Gordon Mumma

Gordon Mumma is an American composer, performer, instrument builder, teacher, and writer, who has made a significant impact on the contemporary music scene in the United States. Born in 1935 in Massachusetts, Mumma studied composition at the University of Michigan with Ross Lee Finney and George Balch Wilson. During this time, he also became interested in electronic music and began experimenting with making his own instruments.

In the 1960s, Mumma became involved in the ONCE Festival of New Music, which was held annually in Michigan. Along with Robert Ashley, he helped to found the festival and produced a number of innovative performances and compositions. Mumma's music from this period is characterized by its use of live electronics and non-traditional instruments, as well as its incorporation of improvisation.

In addition to his work as a composer and performer, Mumma also wrote extensively about contemporary music. He contributed articles to a number of publications, including Source: Music of the Avant Garde and Perspectives of New Music. In these writings, he discussed the changing role of the composer in the 20th century, as well as the creative process involved in making new music.

Overall, Gordon Mumma's contributions to the world of contemporary music have been profound and influential. His innovative use of live electronics, experimentation with instrument building, and incorporation of improvisation have helped to expand the boundaries of what is possible in music. Additionally, his writing has provided valuable insights into the creative process and the evolution of modern music.

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