Home Composers Giuseppe Persiani

Giuseppe Persiani

Short bio Giuseppe Persiani

Birthday: 1799
Died: 1869
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Giuseppe Persiani

photo Giuseppe Persiani

Giuseppe Persiani was an Italian opera composer who lived from 1799 to 1869. He was born in Recanati, Italy and wrote his first opera in 1826. Throughout his career, he composed a total of 11 operas, which were well-received during his time.

Persiani married a soprano named Fanny Tacchinardi and went on to compose several operas for her to perform in. He also worked as an impresario, which involved organizing and financing theatrical productions.

One notable work of Persiani's is the opera "Ines de Castro," which premiered in 1835. The opera tells the story of a Portuguese prince who falls in love with Ines, a lady-in-waiting, and the tragic consequences that follow.

Although Persiani is not as well-known as some other Italian opera composers such as Verdi or Puccini, his contributions to the genre are still appreciated by music enthusiasts today. Several recordings of his operas are available for listening, and his legacy lives on through the Teatro Persiani, which was named in his honor and is located in Recanati.

Compositions featuring Giuseppe Persiani

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ines de Castro, opera 128:07 min Opera 1835
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