Home Composers Giovanni Battista Pescetti

Giovanni Battista Pescetti

Short bio Giovanni Battista Pescetti

Birthday: 1704
Died: 1766
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Giovanni Battista Pescetti

photo Giovanni Battista Pescetti

Giovanni Battista Pescetti was an Italian composer and harpsichordist born in Venice on December 4, 1704. He was a prolific composer, best known for his keyboard works, which demonstrated his exceptional talent as a performer and composer.

Pescetti began studying music at an early age and showed great potential. In 1721, he became a member of the choir at the Ospedale dei Mendicanti in Venice, where he received formal musical training. He also studied composition with Antonio Lotti, a renowned Italian composer of the time.

Pescetti's compositions are characterized by their delicacy and charm, with intricate melodies that showcase his exceptional technical skill as a musician. He is particularly well-known for his keyboard sonatas, which were highly esteemed by his contemporaries and remain popular among music enthusiasts today.

Pescetti's music played an important role in the development of the keyboard sonata during the Baroque period. His works were widely praised for their virtuosity and expressiveness, and he became known as one of the foremost composers of his time.

Today, Pescetti is remembered as a major contributor to the musical landscape of the Baroque era. His legacy lives on through his extensive body of work, including his harpsichord and keyboard sonatas, which continue to be played and studied by musicians around the world.

Compositions featuring Giovanni Battista Pescetti

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Harpsichord Sonata No. 8 in C major 13:16 min Keyboard -
2 Stella, Darling of the Muses, song 2:20 min Vocal Music -
3 Sonatas (4) for organ 11:43 min Keyboard -
4 Sonata No 8 in C major 7:02 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
5 Sonata in 03 tempi 9:27 min -
6 Sonata for organ in C minor 8:52 min Keyboard -
7 Sonata for harpsichord No. 1 in C minor 3:36 min Keyboard -
8 Sonata for harp in C minor 9:07 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
9 Keyboard Sonatas (6) (B. Marcello Conservatory, Venice, Torr.MS.B.16) 47:33 min Keyboard -
10 Keyboard Sonata in C minor (Allegro-Largo-Presto) 7:20 min Keyboard -
11 Harpsichord Sonatas (10) 82:16 min Keyboard -
12 Harpsichord Sonata No. 9 in G minor 6:26 min Keyboard -
13 Andantino Espressivo 3:53 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
14 Harpsichord Sonata No. 7 in G major 11:06 min Keyboard -
15 Harpsichord Sonata No. 6 in D minor 6:23 min Keyboard -
16 Harpsichord Sonata No. 5 in C minor 6:55 min Keyboard -
17 Harpsichord Sonata No. 4 in A major 9:21 min Keyboard -
18 Harpsichord Sonata No. 4 (B. Marcello Conservatory, Venice, Torr.MS.B.16) Keyboard -
19 Harpsichord Sonata No. 3 in G minor 7:02 min Keyboard -
20 Harpsichord Sonata No. 2 in D major 11:20 min Keyboard -
21 Harpsichord Sonata No. 1 in E major 15:03 min Keyboard -
22 Harpsichord Sonata in C minor 12:35 min Keyboard -
23 Caro mio bene, addio, aria for soprano & orchestra (for the pasticcio opera "Ezio") 9:02 min Opera -
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