Home Composers George Perry

George Perry

Short bio George Perry

Birthday: 1793
Died: 1862

Full biography George Perry

photo George Perry

George Perry (1793 - 1862) was a British composer, violinist, and organist who is primarily known for his operas and oratorios. He served as the musical director of several theaters in London and was a well-respected musician of his time.

Perry's compositions include the operas "The King of the Peacocks" and "The Miller's Maid," as well as several oratorios, including "Jephthah" and "The Sacrifice of Abraham." He was also known for his musical settings of Shakespearean plays, including "As You Like It" and "The Tempest."

Perry was heavily involved in the music scene in London during the mid-19th century, and his work was recognized by many of his contemporaries. His legacy is not as well-known as some other composers of his time, but his contributions to the operatic and oratorio traditions of the time were significant.

While there has been some confusion between George Frederick Perry and George Perry-Smith, a British restaurateur, it is important to note that they are two different individuals with distinct careers and achievements.

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