Home Composers Georg Jarno

Georg Jarno

Short bio Georg Jarno

Birthday: 1868 in Buda, Budapest, Hungary
Died: 1920 in Breslau, Germany
Genre: Classical
Period: Post-Romantic

Full biography Georg Jarno

photo Georg Jarno

Georg Jarno was a Hungarian writer and composer, born on June 3, 1868, in Budapest, Austria-Hungary (now Hungary). Jarno was mainly known for his operettas. Before writing operettas, he wrote three operas, which were Die schwarze Kaschka (1895), Der Glücksjäger (1899), and Die Fidele Reform (1900). Jarno composed music for around 20 operettas , including Der Schatzmeister, Die Zirkusprinzessin, and Der dritte Wunsch. He also wrote the libretto with music for the operetta Der Kuss der Schwester Susanne.

Jarno was a prolific composer and contributed significantly to the operetta genre. He was known for his melodious, lively, and playful music that often had Hungarian and Viennese influences. Some of his operettas were performed in Vienna's famous theaters, such as the Carl Theater and the Theater an der Wien.

Apart from being a composer, Jarno also wrote screenplays for movies. He wrote the screenplay for the movie Die Försterchristl in 1952. The movie was based on a popular Austrian operetta with the same name. Jarno became known for his work on the Die Försterchristl movie.

Georg Jarno remained active in the music industry until his death. He died on November 5, 1920, in Vienna, Austria. His contributions to the operetta genre are still remembered, and his compositions continue to be performed in various theaters worldwide.

Compositions featuring Georg Jarno

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Die Försterchristel, operetta Opera -
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