Home Composers Frederik Magle

Frederik Magle

Short bio Frederik Magle

Birthday: 1977

Full biography Frederik Magle

photo Frederik Magle

Frederik Magle is a Danish contemporary composer, concert organist and pianist, born in 1977 in the town of Stubbekøbing, Denmark. He is known for his fusion of classical music with other genres, and for his prolific output of orchestral pieces, cantatas, chamber music, and organ solos, among others.

Magle began studying music at the age of three and went on to attend the Royal Danish Academy of Music, where he received training as a composer and organist. He has since become a respected figure in the Danish music scene and has performed concerts around the world.

In addition to his musical career, Magle maintains an active online presence through his blog and social media accounts, where he shares his thoughts and insights on music. He also hosts a podcast where he interviews other musicians and creators.

Magle's music is known for its tonal character and approachability, and he has stated that he seeks to create works that listeners would want to hear on their deathbed. His compositions have gained him a loyal following both in Denmark and abroad, and he has received numerous awards for his work.

Overall, Frederik Magle is a talented and prolific composer whose work combines elements of classical music with other genres to create a unique and appealing sound. He is a respected figure in the Danish music scene and a celebrated musician around the world.

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