Home Composers Franz Xaver Witt

Franz Xaver Witt

Short bio Franz Xaver Witt

Birthday: 1834
Died: 1888

Full biography Franz Xaver Witt

photo Franz Xaver Witt

Franz Xaver Witt, born on December 4th, 1834, was a prolific composer during 19th century Austria. He was born in the town of Markt Berolzheim, located in the region of Bavaria, Germany. Witt was raised in a family of musicians, which set him on the path to pursue a career in music.

He studied at the Munich Conservatory and later moved to Vienna in 1859, where he worked as a conductor and composer. In Vienna, he was a prominent figure in the music scene and was highly regarded for his choral works.

Witt composed over 400 works in total, including operas, symphonies, choral works, and chamber music. He was best known for his choral works and is regarded as one of the founding figures of the choral movement in Austria.

One of his most notable works was his choral arrangement of the Latin hymn “Stabat Mater,” which is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful and moving pieces of music ever written in Austria. It became a fixture of church choirs across the country and continues to be performed to this day.

Witt's works were known for their religious and patriotic themes and were highly praised for their emotional depth and beauty. Another notable composition in his repertoire was his “Requiem,” which he dedicated to the memory of his mother.

Franz Xaver Witt passed away on February 20th, 1888, in Vienna, leaving behind a legacy of stunning compositions that have stood the test of time. Although he is less well known than some of his contemporaries, such as Johann Strauss II and Franz Schubert, Witt remains an important figure in the history of Austrian music.

Albums featuring Franz Xaver Witt

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Ave MariaHeikes Mannenkoor – Perosi: Messa A Tre Voci D'Uomo(LP, Stereo) Ave MariaHeikes Mannenkoor – Perosi: Messa A Tre Voci D'Uomo(LP, Stereo) 1977 EMI
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