Home Composers Christian Friedrich Witt

Christian Friedrich Witt

Short bio Christian Friedrich Witt

Birthday: 1660 in Altenburg, Germany
Died: 1717 in Gotha, Germany
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Christian Friedrich Witt

photo Christian Friedrich Witt

Christian Friedrich Witt was a German composer who lived from around 1660 to 1716. He was known as a music editor and teacher in addition to being a composer. Witt was born in Altenburg, Germany, where his father was a court organist. He studied music and eventually became the Kapellmeister, or music director, at the court of Anhalt-Zerbst.

Some of Witt's best-known compositions include Jesu Christ der einig Gottes Sohn, which is still performed in churches today, and Psalmodia Sacra, a collection of sacred music. He also wrote several operas, including Palma and Das Fischerweib.

While Witt is not as well-known as some other classical composers, his music still holds value today and is often performed in churches and other settings. His legacy as a teacher and editor has also contributed to the preservation and promotion of musical traditions for future generations.

Compositions featuring Christian Friedrich Witt

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Passacaglia, for organ in D minor (formerly attrib. to J.S. Bach, BWV Anh. 182) 6:10 min Keyboard 1718
2 Sonata à 7 7:47 min Chamber Music 1695
3 Sonata à 10 7:45 min Chamber Music 1695

Albums featuring Christian Friedrich Witt

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Suite In F-Dur Für Zwei Altblockflöten Und ZupforchesterGrenzland-Zupforchester – Premieren(LP, Album) Suite In F-Dur Für Zwei Altblockflöten Und ZupforchesterGrenzland-Zupforchester – Premieren(LP, Album) 1983 Not On Label
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