Home Composers Frank Loesser

Frank Loesser

Short bio Frank Loesser

Birthday: 1910
Died: 1969

Full biography Frank Loesser

photo Frank Loesser

Frank Loesser was an American songwriter who is widely regarded as one of the most versatile composers of Broadway musicals. Born in New York City in 1910, he began his career as a songwriter at a young age, writing his first song at just six years old.

Throughout his career, Loesser wrote the music and lyrics for over 700 songs, including a number of popular hits. He is perhaps best known for his work on Broadway musicals such as "Guys and Dolls" and "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying," for which he won Tony Awards.

Loesser was also known for his collaborations with other composers, including Arthur Schwartz and Joseph J. Lilley. In addition to his work on Broadway, he wrote a number of popular songs for films, including "Baby, It's Cold Outside," which won an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1949.

Despite his success, Loesser was known to be a somewhat controlling and perfectionistic figure, who was often difficult to work with. However, his talent and contributions to American musical theater are widely recognized and celebrated.

Loesser passed away in 1969, but his music continues to be performed and enjoyed by audiences around the world. His legacy as a skilled composer and lyricist has had a lasting impact on American music and culture.

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