Home Composers Frank Lewin

Frank Lewin

Short bio Frank Lewin

Birthday: 1925 in Breslau, Germany
Died: 2008 in Princeton, NJ
Active: 1940s - 2000s
Genre: Stage & Screen,Classical

Full biography Frank Lewin

photo Frank Lewin

Frank Lewin (1925-2008) was an American composer and teacher who was known for his works in classical music. He was born on March 27, 1925, and lived most of his life in New York City. Lewin was the son of a composer, and he began his studies in music at a young age. He studied at the Juilliard School of Music, where he earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees.

Lewin's music was influenced by a range of styles, including jazz, popular music, and traditional European classical music. He composed music for a range of genres, including orchestral music, vocal music, and chamber music. He also wrote incidental music for plays by eminent playwrights like William Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams.

Lewin has written scores of historical importance , and his works have been performed by major orchestras and music festivals around the world. One of his well-known works is his composition for the fourth song in the song cycle A Musical Nashery , "Paradise for Sale," a text by Ogden Nash. He also composed scores for the cantatas, oratorios, and his Requiem for the City of Prague.

Frank Lewin was also an esteemed teacher. He had a long career teaching at Queens College, City University of New York, where he was the director of the Rosenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies. He was also a professor at Columbia University.

Frank Lewin passed away on January 18, 2008, and his contributions to the world of music are still celebrated today.

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